I haven't seen many results in my YouTube campaign yet. What's going on?

  1. Overview
  2. YouTube Troubleshooting Questions
  3. I haven't seen many results in my YouTube campaign yet. What's going on?

If you are not seeing many results yet, it’s likely one of these reasons (in order from most common to least common):

1) If your campaign has just started in the past 1-2 days, it’s highly likely that your ad is still getting approved. Ads take anywhere from 30 minutes to 4 days to get approved, depending on how many are in the advertising platform’s queue for approval. It is highly rare to see explosive results overnight via YouTube promotion unless you are spending promotion on a higher package.

2) The projections for our YouTube promos according to our YouTube promo into form (https://www.couragestudiosonline.com/youtube-promo-info-full) are averages. With our YouTube promotion, we guarantee that you will reach the bottom portion of the average view count in your purchased YouTube tier. Niche genres typically have a lower yield because there’s naturally a smaller audience for the specific sound.

3) In certain seasons, there are a lot of people advertising. As a result, bidding for advertising becomes more expensive. As a result, you may get lower views through YouTube promotion during seasons of higher advertising competition (these are commonly around holidays with lots of music releases, such as Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, etc.).

4) The final option is less common, but still does happen: it may be that listeners are skipping your video with a low view rate.

This is typically happens due to one of the following reasons:

1) The artist has not optimized their video per our recommendations. See “What can I do to help share my song and set it up for success?” for more information on how to optimize your video for success.

2) It is possible to be marketed specifically to your genre/sub-genre/mood/style, and find that curators like it and add it, yet still a large portion of listeners don’t and choose to skip.

This is uncommon and likely not the reason you aren’t seeing many results yet. However, it can be helpful when this happens so that we can explore how to make your music more widely resonant to prevent skips and increase your engagement for the long haul.

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