If you are not seeing many results yet, it’s likely one of these reasons (in order from most common to least common):
1) If your campaign is in progress, it’s highly likely we have either not heard yet from all of the curators, or that curators have just added your song to their playlist. It is highly rare to see explosive results overnight - playlists are more like “dripping faucets” that have little spurts of growth daily from people around the world.
2) The projections for our Spotify promos according to our Spotify promo into form (www.couragestudiosonline.com/spotify-promo-info-full) are averages (not guarantees) and monthly listeners (not streams) at the peak of the results related to the campaign. Niche genres typically have a lower yield because there’s naturally a smaller audience for the specific sound.
3) Open Spotify For Artists on desktop (not mobile), and click your exact song to see the most accurate metrics in relation to your actual song instead of just the sum total.
Your total listenership may be dropping in the midst of your Spotify campaign because listeners are moving onto new songs from your previous discography, or curators are removing old songs from playlists. This is really common for artists who have promoted songs in the past in a previous season, as curators rotate playlists to keep selection fresh, and listeners do the same with their personal listening playlists.
The solution for this is to continually promote more music. While some listeners will leave, a select few will stay and hang for the long term. This is why huge 80s rock bands that filled stadiums in the 80s now fill arenas in their 70s - because a portion of the listeners from the previous era of “stadium sized” exposure decided to be long term fans of the artist.
4) The final option is less common, but still does happen: it may be that listeners are skipping your song before the 30 second mark.
It is possible to be marketed specifically to your genre/sub-genre/mood/style, and find that curators like it and add it, yet still a large portion of listeners don’t and choose to skip.
This is uncommon and likely not the reason you aren’t seeing many results yet. However, it can be helpful when this happens so that we can figure out how to make your music more widely resonant to prevent skips and increase your engagement for the long haul.