There are a few ways you can improve your chances of growing new followers:
1) Personalize your profile, adding a profile picture, bio, artist pick (with message in the artist pick), artist playlists, and social media links in your Spotify bio.
2) Frame expectations. Just as you likely don't immediately follow every artist you've heard on radio that has a pretty good song, it's also likely that most playlist listeners won't do so either.
However, just as with radio, every once in a while, a song blows you away, and you have to go hear more from that artist.
Over time, followers will likely begin to trickle in for your music as a means of playlist exposure.
However, playlist exposure isn't the most direct means to gaining followers, which is why we recommend the third point below:
3) Do Spotify campaigns that include advertising (Spotify Platinum, Spotify Emerald, Spotify Diamond). This direct traffic to your profile will greatly increase your chances of growing in followers. Psychologically, those that hop off of a social media app to leave what they were doing to click and ad and go to your music are likely much more interested to follow you so they don't forget to listen to your music later.