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Awesome - congrats! We recommend doing the following: 1) Feature the Spotify editorial playlist on your Spotify Artist playlists section of your Spotify profile. (If you don't ha ...
There are a few ways you can improve your chances of growing new followers: 1) Personalize your profile, adding a profile picture, bio, artist pick (with message in the artist ...
Because Spotify is a global platform, you will find that the majority of listeners on your music are not in your country. This is simply because the number of Spotify users in ...
All Courage Studios playlist promotions include consideration for my own personal playlists. I have a team that preps out playlists to pitch to for each Spotify promotion campaign ...
We recommend featuring playlists in your artist playlist section that have the most relevance to your entire catalog, not just one song. If you ever get featured by Spotify ed ...
When you get the final results of your Spotify promo, our team will have suggested playlists that they deem are closest to the vibe of the song, where you're getting a pretty good ...
We’re pleased to serve you! Please use the link below to submit your next song for promo review. https://www.couragestudiosonline.com/song-review From there, we will respon ...
In short, yes! Fill out our submission form below, and we will follow up in 2-5 business days with recommendations for a secondary promotion to pitch to new curators and new playl ...
Our recommendation is to continue investing in 4 places: 1) Outsourcing your scaling/promotions 2) Invest in higher quality products (better productions/mixes/masters) 3) Invest ...
Your numbers will peak once all songs have been on the total playlists for 28 days because the monthly listener count rotates daily for the total number of listeners having listene ...
See answer to What type of songs tend to get the most streams and the least streams on Spotify?
Short answer is no. Longer answer (recommended read): Each curator in our network voluntarily chooses where they’d like to add the song in terms of playlist song order base ...
User curated playlists tend to NOT shuffle song order frequently and commonly feature “the hits” - sometimes, even 10+ year old songs. They don’t rotate as quick ...
See the question “Can I work with another promoter for the same song you are promoting?” for more information.
Feel free to connect your friend or colleague with Kevin via a group text or a group email (kevin@couragestudiosonline.com). From there, we’ll schedule a call with them to ge ...