All Courage Studios playlist promotions include consideration for my own personal playlists.
I have a team that preps out playlists to pitch to for each Spotify promotion campaign. They also decide whether or not they think a song is a good fit for my playlists. Obviously, I have veto power with any of their suggestions, but I typically go with their gut because they have great creative discernment. In short, they must have decided that other playlists we could pitch out to were more relevant and a better fit for the song than for my playlists.
This addition to our process of having multiple team members filter through playlist pitch list prep has allowed us to both take my personal taste (and all of my team members’ individual taste) out of the equation and also empower our team to collectively better help artists reach the most relevant playlists for consideration, whether for my personal playlists or for others.
Since implementing this change, we have statistically seen an increase in save to listener ratios for the majority of our campaigns. With our artists and songs we promote being extremely diverse and us being the only static variable, this implies that our targeting has improved to be more specific, yielding higher opportunity for high frictions conversions like saves, follows, and listeners discovering an artist that they would love to listen to for the long-haul.
Specificity (and the increased high-friction conversions from specific targeting) comes at the expense of more broadly targeting to a larger audience size, which can sometimes generate higher stream counts. However, we’ve not seen broad targeting serve artists for the long haul as efficiently as specific targeting.
With that said, if you would like to do another campaign, you can order a re-promotion of your out song at the link below, which allows your song to be reconsidered by my team for my personal playlists (as well as all external playlists in our network) as we target more broadly, resulting in less high friction conversions but larger reach: