We don’t provide examples to any Spotify playlists in our network, but the average playlist in our network is 1.5k-5k playlist followers.
Additionally, the majority of the playlist curators in our network have shorter song based lists (30-150 songs) and rotate songs on and off like a radio station to keep selection fresh and listener engagement high.
The average playlist curator in our network keeps songs on their playlist for 2-12 weeks. Other curators in our network keep songs on for 4 months, 6 months, 12 months, etc. How long and where they choose to position songs on their playlist all organically varies and is totally up to their personal preference.
The playlists in our network that are 25k, 50k, 100k, etc. playlist followers and larger are, by nature, almost always playlists with genres that have massive audience sizes and huge global interest (ex. pop music). For smaller, more niche sub-genres (ex. broadway jazz), the playlists in our network average a lower playlist follower count that is indicative of the smaller, more niche audience size around that specific sub-genre.