Spotify Pre-Promo Questions

A full dive into FAQ on our Spotify promo.

  1. Overview
  2. Spotify Pre-Promo Questions

What is the difference between advertising and playlist pitching in terms of growing my fanbase?

In general, when doing a marketing campaign, advertising results in more conversions per stream, and playlist pitching results in a higher count of total streams accumulated in ass ...

What genres do you promote on Spotify?

We promote songs on Spotify in a wide variety of genres, including pop, rap, indie pop, rock, country, jazz, Christian, gospel, worship, broadway, alternative, folk, and EDM. We p ...

How big are the Spotify playlists that you pitch to for campaigns? Can you send an example or portfolio of playlists in your network so I can check them out and see if I like them/approve for my music?

We don’t provide examples to any Spotify playlists in our network, but the average playlist in our network is 1.5k-5k playlist followers. Additionally, the majority of t ...

Is there any guarantee that Spotify promo (or YouTube promo) is going to work for me?

The vulnerability of hiring a marketing/promo company is that you’re hiring us for our efforts, not necessarily the results. To put it bluntly, we can’t help it if cura ...

Why did you guys recommend a Spotify promo tier that is larger and/or smaller than my previous song? Is it a better or worse song because you are suggesting a different tier this time?

Our Spotify promo recommendations vary for each song based on a combination of a few main points: 1) the song’s technical quality (composition, production, vocals, mix/maste ...

Should I release my album all togetherĀ in one combined release or separated inĀ singles? And when should I promote my songs - all at once with an album release or separately?

We strongly recommend releasing your album out in singles. Example of an appropriate release schedule: Song 1- November 2023 Song 2 - Jan 2024 Song 3 - Feb 2024 Song 4 ...

Is it better to concentrate on just a couple tracks and put more money into those than spread the budget across all 6 tracks?

In general, it’s better to spread your budget across several tracks than to promote with a higher budget on a single song. However, send your songs to us via our song review ...

How far out should I schedule my upcoming release?

We recommend scheduling your release out for whatever amount of time your digital distributor recommends to space out for them to get it to all of the platforms. Additionally, we ...

When should I release my next song?

Read below for mindset recommendations and practical recommendations: MINDSET: An important mindset to remember when selecting release dates is that people are not interested in ...

What days or times should I release my music? What release days should I avoid?

We strongly recommend artists release their songs on Fridays. Friday is the industry standard day for releases and when DSPs (Spotify, etc.) most commonly update their editorial pl ...

Can you help me plan my release calendar for my upcoming album?

Please review When should I release my next song? for tips on how to self-determine timing for your next release. We do not provide recommendations for timing releases for singles ...

Can I work with another Spotify promoter for the same song you are promoting?

Sure! Immediately your purchase, email with whoever you have hired. This way, we can avoid any overlap with pitching. If we pitch to a curator who l ...

Are there any hidden fees to hiring you guys (exclusivity, master royalties, etc.)?

No. You keep full ownership of your master share working with us. Our only charge is the upfront 100% cost per song of working with us.

Do you take payment plans for Spotify and YouTube promotion?

We do not offer payment plans for promotion at this time. If you are on a tight budget, we recommend one of the following: 1) Promote your song at a lower price amount, then re-pr ...

How do you decide the playlists that you pitch to?

We pitch your song to genre specific, sub-genre specific, mood specific, and function specific playlists user curated Spotify playlists (NOT editorial playlists or algorithmic play ...

What should I be expecting as far as streaming growth?

As far as framing expectations, you won’t see explosive growth overnight. We’ll likely start to get added to playlists over the first couple of weeks of your promotion ...

What type of songs tend to get the most streams and the least streams on Spotify?

Songs that tend to get the most streams are (listed in order of most common priority): 1) Exceptionally written/produced/mixed/mastered on technical level and a widely resonant/co ...

Will I receive updates mid-campaign?

We do not touch base mid-campaign. You can expect to hear from us via email once your campaign is completed, between 14-35 days after your promo start date.

Should I make a Spotify canvas for my song?

Adding a Spotify canvas is a great way to freely and organically increase engagement on your song. Spotify has put out reports that adding canvases to your songs increases saves an ...

Do you need any other information from me that is not in the order form?

It’s very rare that we need any additional information. The only time we ever do is if a curator who is a blogger or podcaster asks for info - which happens about once every ...