We strongly recommend releasing your album out in singles.
Example of an appropriate release schedule:
Song 1- November 2023
Song 2 - Jan 2024
Song 3 - Feb 2024
Song 4 - March 2024
5 Song EP with new single - April 2024
Notice that, instead of releasing a 5 song EP in April 2024, we recommend releasing 1 single a month, skipping seasonal months like December (unless your song is a Christmas song).
We also recommend promoting each song as soon as it drops/releases online.
This accomplishes a few things:
- Releasing each song separately allows you to pitch each song to Spotify editorials
- Releasing each song separately allows you to invest aggressively in promoting each song on a manageable budget over time instead of dropping major cash promoting a full album all at once
If you have any more specific questions as to which songs to schedule for what release dates, or what promo tier + targeting recommendations we'd give for the song, please email us with your song(s), release date(s), and any questions you have for your release. From there, we'll take a listen and respond with the best suggestions for your release, also providing a promo order link for you to place your order too!
Here's are a few other links to articles from our helpdesk that will help with deciding which songs to release when:
When should I release my next song?What days or times should I release my music? What release days should I avoid?