Read below for mindset recommendations and practical recommendations:
An important mindset to remember when selecting release dates is that people are not interested in the greatest song, but the most right song for the moment that they are at in life.
Making a great song with a great production that has the potential to be widely resident is great, but it can be sabotaged if you release it at the wrong time (ex. Releasing a Christmas song in February).
In general, we recommend that artists be mindful of how cultural tastes for music seasonally shift, and release their music with that in mind
Practically speaking, here are some tips:
In January and February, upbeat tempo and emotionally uplifting songs that are motivational and give a “pump up” kind of feeling typically do really well.
In mid-February to early May, songs that are redemptive and hopeful tend to perform well.
From late May to mid August, songs that are musically and lyrically carefree and/or fun tend to do really well. (However, one thing to note about this timeframe is that songs streaming is typically lower in these months because routine is broken due to kids being out of school, parents not getting as much alone time to listen to music, less driving and listening in the car, etc. This is because, when routine is disrupted, engagement is oftentimes disrupted; typically in the negative rather than the positive.)
From mid August to mid October, songs that are moody, introspective, lyrically heavy, or musically emotional tend to perform really well.
From October to Christmas, songs that feel nostalgic, warm, and classic tend to do really well.
Avoid releasing songs on holidays weekends or in seasons that wouldn’t ultimately serve the song or the majority population’s seasonal interests (ex. releasing a Christmas song in February, or releasing a sad or depressing song in the summer.).
See more information at What days or times should I release my music? What release days should I avoid?