We promote all genres and all languages on YouTube. However, our advertising platform for YouTube promotion does not allow us to promote videos of the following: 1) Videos with v ...
In general, it’s better to spread your budget across several tracks than to promote with a higher budget on a single song. However, send your songs to us via our song review ...
If your video is already out, we have no recommendations and encourage you to order whenever you’d like. If your video is not released yet and is specifically in conjunction ...
Sure! That’s no problem at all.
No. You keep full ownership of your master share working with us. Our only charge is the upfront 100% cost per song of working with us.
We do not offer payment plans for promotion at this time. If you are on a tight budget, we recommend one of the following: 1) Promote your song at a lower price amount, then re-pr ...
As far as framing expectations, you won’t see explosive growth overnight. We’ll likely start to see steady growth of anything between a few hundred to a few thousand vi ...
We do not touch base mid-campaign. Additionally, we do not touch base for YouTube campaigns post-campaign. The results from your YouTube campaign can be accessed at your discreti ...
No. As long as you filled out everything accurately and completely in the order form, we should be good to go!