What genres or sub-genres do you promote on YouTube? Are there any types of videos that you don't promote on YouTube?

  1. Overview
  2. YouTube Pre-Promo Questions
  3. What genres or sub-genres do you promote on YouTube? Are there any types of videos that you don't promote on YouTube?

We promote all genres and all languages on YouTube.

However, our advertising platform for YouTube promotion does not allow us to promote videos of the following:

1) Videos with vulgar or violent content (lyrically or visually)

2) Videos with political content

3) Videos about medical information

If you’re not sure that your video can be promoted due to the information above, reach out to us at kevin@couragestudiosonline.com with a link to your video.

After reviewing your song, we will recommend whoever we think we would serve you best, whether that’s us or someone else.

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